1. aRt nouvEau!
2. carBon wheels
3. WE weRE ALl wronG
4. ChokiNG on air
5. tHis iS WHere it endS
6. dIrty Trixxxxxxx
7. danCe Dance danCe
8. tHe day kID C biT the dust
9. oLd Modena
10. Burn This Place
11. the PaPer BEast;;
1. aRt nouvEau!
2. carBon wheels
3. WE weRE ALl wronG
4. ChokiNG on air
5. tHis iS WHere it endS
6. dIrty Trixxxxxxx
7. danCe Dance danCe
8. tHe day kID C biT the dust
9. oLd Modena
10. Burn This Place
11. the PaPer BEast;;